Donald Trump: Favorite Foods, Hobbies, and Life Beyond Politics

beyond the screen

 -Former President Donald Trump: Favorite Food, Cooking, Travel, and Hobbies

Donald Trump, the former president of the United States (2017-2021), is well-known for his luxurious lifestyle and controversial statements. While many know him for his political stance and business ventures, there are other aspects of his personal life, including his food preferences, hobbies, and travel habits.


          -Donald Trump's Favorite Food

Trump is famous for his love of fast food, with burgers.  being one of his top choices, especially from chains like McDonald's. On multiple occasions, Trump has openly expressed his love for these meals, claiming they are clean and safe in his opinion. Besides burgers, he is also a fan of  steak. , preferring it well-done with no traces of redness.

In addition to fast food, Trump is known to enjoy traditional American desserts like  apple pie , which is one of his favorite post-meal treats. His meals tend to be simple and not overly complex.

-Does He Enjoy Cooking? Does He Help the Family in Preparing Meals?

Trump is not known for enjoying cooking or actively participating in meal preparation. On the contrary, he is known for preferring to dine out or order from restaurants. During his presidency, he often requested fast food, sometimes serving it to White House guests, including athletes visiting after winning championships.

-It is clear that Trump does not participate in cooking or meal preparation, as he relies heavily on professional chefs both in the White House and in his private residences. In an interview, his daughter Ivanka Trump mentioned that her father does not assist in cooking and prefers his meals to be served ready.

           -His Travels Around the World

Donald Trump traveled frequently both before and during his presidency. As a prominent businessman and former president, he visited many countries for business and political purposes. During his time in office, he made official visits to countries like  Saudi Arabia ,  France. ,  China. , and the  United Kingdom , where he was warmly received by world leaders.


After leaving office, Trump continues to travel, though less frequently and more privately. He prefers to travel on his private plane, which bears his name and is equipped with all the luxurious amenities one would expect. Trump is not known for recreational travel; most of his trips are related to business or diplomatic relations.

                -Donald Trump's Hobbies

When it comes to his hobbies,  golf  tops the list. Trump is well-known for his love of golf, and he owns several golf courses around the world, which he frequently visits. Playing golf is a significant part of his daily routine, both during and after his presidency.

-In addition to golf, Trump is a devoted follower of the news and spends many hours consuming media. He was also highly active on. social media. , especially on Twitter, where he frequently shared his opinions before his account was suspended.

                 -Additional Information

- Despite his luxurious lifestyle, Trump does not drink alcohol or smoke. This stems from a personal tragedy when his older brother, Fred Trump Jr., passed away due to alcoholism, prompting Donald to avoid these habits.

- Trump has a passion for extravagant décor and owns several luxury properties worldwide, including  Trump Tower  in New York, one of the city’s most iconic buildings.

- Trump enjoys appearing on television shows, having been a guest or host on many programs before his presidency. His most famous show was  "The Apprentice", which significantly boosted his media presence.


In summary, Donald Trump’s life is filled with interesting details, whether in politics or personal activities. From his favorite meals like burgers and steak to his love for golf and extensive travel, Trump leads a busy and eventful life that reflects his bold and luxurious personality. While he may not be one to cook or help with meals, he certainly knows how to enjoy a good dish, whether in the White House or one of his fancy restaurants.

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